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Mike's Script Archive: updreadme

updreadme - Update the README file of a module distribution


    updreadme - Update the README file of a module distribution






Called from the top directory of a module distribution, updreadme will find out what the main *.pm file is, extract the $VERSION from it and create a README file, consisting of a header like

    Path::Module VERSION

and the result of a pod2text call on the top *.pm file.

It derives the value of VERSION in a somewhat cleaner way than ExtUtils::MakeMaker does (which brute-force parses the module) but makes some pretty wild assumptions:

  • The *.pm file defines one package which contains a global $VERSION variable.

  • The * part of *.pm (the module's file name) equals the last part of the defined package (e.g. if the package is Foo::Bar::Baz, the filename needs to be Baz.pm. It is not necessary that the file is located under Foo/Bar, it can as well reside in the current or any subdirectory.

  • The module doesn't pull in another module which's last name part equals the name of the module. E.g. if the module is Foo::Bar::Baz and it pulls in Blurp::Yada::Baz via use Blurp::Yada::Baz, then we're hosed, because the algorithm will think that it needs to fetch $Blurp::Yada::Baz::VERSION.


This script depends on the module ModDevUtils.pm, which is freely available from Mike's Script Archive at


Just download it, install it somewhere where perl can find it and updreadme will just work.


Copyright 2002 by Mike Schilli, all rights reserved. This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


2002, Mike Schilli <m@perlmeister.com>

Latest update: 20-Oct-2013